lar Commercial & Industrial Solutions
At FRYBLE, our EPC (engineering, procurement, and construction) team offers highly efficient and reliable solar energy systems and solutions to clients. We present top of the line turn-key working solutions that include the Design, build, setup, installation, operations and maintenance backed by well-trained and experienced engineers in the industry.

FRYBLE has the necessary expertise to manage it effectively and hassle freely as per the unique needs and demands of every project.

We provide excellent Project Liasoning Consultancy services for approval various projects from the state. Our services include development approvals, state approvals, local approvals; approvals from various authorities, project fiscal benefit approvals, project subsidies approvals, etc. We also help our clients in obtaining clearance for different projects. Clients can avail the excellent quality services at competitive rates.

EPC professional services include:

  • Engineering
    Economic calculations, selection of the optimal location for the solar power plant, obtaining permits and development of detailed technical documentation by our experienced engineers.
  • Procurement
    Selection and purchase of the necessary materials and equipment, including photovoltaic panels, inverters, etc. We cooperate with world leaders to guarantee the customer the high quality of each module.
  • Building
    Experienced construction teams, led by our best engineers, carry out the entire scope of construction and installation work from A to Z, including connection to the electrical system and equipment setup.
  • As PV technology advances, the complexity of solar project management is increasing.
  • Experts will help you form the goals of your project, correctly plan the budget and work schedule, assess the risks and ensure effective risk management at any stage of its implementation.

How do we work?

We focus on a whole range of issues in creating our solar power products. We look at areas such as development, construction, financing, and operation of solar rooftops. We try and make sure that our solar lights can be used in industrial and commercial applications.

FRYBLE looks for the most suitable solutions for its projects, while taking many factors into consideration: Among others, module and inverter technology, mounting system, cabling and shading options, geological surveying and the inclination of the area.


Consulting and Planning

Legal, commercial and technical feasibility study
- Optimised system design and combination of all components and systems
- Assessment of soil conditions
- Review of conformity with national state-guaranteed remunerations
- Coordination and management of all construction work to schedule
- Completion, commissioning and cultivation of compensation areas


Project Development (support)

Extensive profitability and return assessment
- Initiating and handling of all approvals required
- Review and takeover of projects already under development
- Selection of suitable partners and investors
- Technical coordination with energy suppliers


The execution of the solar power solution is commenced on our part with utmost perfection as our professionals keep a stringent check on each and every step. This is the reason why our clients highly prefer and recommend us for solar power solution work. There are several advantages of solar power solutions owing to which they are highly in demand. The foremost is saving energy and electricity costs. It helps in saving a lot of electricity bills and it ensures a clean and green environment. Solar energy is the most eco-friendly way of getting energy for industrial and commercial purposes.

Our solar power solutions are based on the latest techniques and thus, they are highly efficient and productive. This renewable source of energy helps in offering a greener world and is thus, widely accepted across the globe nowadays. We are also known for providing customized solar energy services to clients to meet their exact requirements. We have solutions for both residential and commercial solar systems. We are completely dedicated to providing 100% satisfaction to the customers. This is the reason why we have a long list of repeated clients. Moreover, we provide our competent solutions at the most affordable prices.

We aim to deliver a greener world. We want to be leaders in the renewable energy market by providing innovative, cost-effective and reliable energy solutions that would strive towards a better greener world.

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